Whether buying or selling, we want you to have the best possible experience. As part of our Collective, please help us maintain a strong community by following our seller guidelines.
Tell the truth
Honesty is the best policy, starting with the listings you create. Take original, well-lit photos and write a clear description of your item with as much detail as possible, including any flaws.
Buyers can report issues with their items after delivery, so it's always better to be transparent about origin, condition, quality, color, size, and flaws.
Refresh your listings
Keep listings updated with the latest information. Condition on your "unworn" Prada loafers now closer to "very good? Reflect that in your listing so it's ready to go when you make a sale.
Ship it ASAP
You must ship most items within 7 days, or we'll automatically cancel the sale, so it pays to be a speedy shipper. Plus, we now reward sellers who ship quickly by boosting their seller status and rewarding seller badges, gaining you more visibility on other items.
Remove items no longer for sale
It's easy to forget your listing for an item you've sold elsewhere or decided to keep. But this means a hopeful buyer could purchase it and end up disappointed. Cancelled sales negatively impact your seller status, so removing items promptly.
Still likely to forget? Don't worry. We check on items listed for 60+ days to confirm they're still available.
Switch to vacation mode
Whether going away for a quick weekend or on a month-long adventure, Vacation Mode has you covered. With holiday mode, your items remain visible and available for buyers to favorite. They just can't place an order until you're back and can ship items on time.
Connect with others
Provide more information and thank buyers for their orders with our Buyer Seller Chat. It's the perfect way to create positive relationships and make speedy sales. Unsure of what's allowed? Read our Buyer Seller chat rules.
Remember our guidelines
We monitor profiles and suspicious behavior to maintain a safe community space for our Collective. We reserve the right to close your account if you abuse our trust, temporarily or permanently withdrawing features or privileges associated with your account at any time.
Let us know if you witness unacceptable behavior by Contacting Us or selecting Report a user within the buyer seller chat.