If you choose to save a bank card when finalising your order, you won’t need to enter the card details when you place your next order.
During the checkout process, just click Remember my card details for future purchases to save the card details for future orders.
You can save multiple cards on your account, so you can choose which card to use for each order you make.
To see the bank cards you have saved on your account, start by logging in:
On the App: Me → My Account → My payment methods
On the Website: My Account → Information → Cards recorded
When you finalise your next order, you'll find your saved cards available during checkout, where you can select the card you'd like to use.
💡 Good to know - Vestiaire Collective does not have access to your banking details and guarantees the confidentiality of your information. We also offer a security option whereby the details of your saved cards are automatically deleted if your password is forgotten.
How do I delete a registered bank card?
You can delete a bank card registered to your Vestiaire Collective account in just a few clicks.
Sign in to your account and select:
On the App: Me → My Account → My payment methods
On the Website: See My Account → Information → Cards Recorded
From here, you can delete any of your registered bank cards.