Trust is fundamental to Vestiaire Collective. We strive to earn it, keep it and reward it.
We do everything in our power to ensure every item sold on Vestiaire Collective arrives exactly as described by the seller. Our priority is to enable our community to shop with confidence.
We request that all items adhere to Vestiaire Collective's rules in order to be approved. It is important to follow these guidelines, as failure to do so may result in your item being identified as counterfeit or non-compliant by our dedicated teams.
Items we do not accept
Counterfeit items including:
- Counterfeits and any item that infringe intellectual property rights (“IPR”) as well as authentic items with counterfeit elements (eg: authentic bag with handle imitation)
- Replicas/imitations of genuine models
Non-compliant items including:
- Due to transport restrictions, we cannot accept items larger than the following dimensions: 600 x 400 x 200mm or 500 x 500 x 330mm.
- Items from the following fast fashion brands 🔍 brands
- Extra items that were not initially offered for individual sale, such as:
- Packaging (eg: dust-bag)
- Spare parts (eg: padlock, locks/keys…)
- Prototypes, runway or showroom items, samples, uniform
- Items received at VIP or press events
- Gifts offered by brands or stores as part of a purchase (eg: makeup gifts, makeup beauty gifts)
- Shop displays
- Watches that have undergone any form of design modification or have had any original elements changed (such as the addition of diamonds) will not be approved, unless the modification was done through the official brand.
- Lifestyle items (eg: sport & home textile items) and connected items (eg: watches, rings)
- Jewelry in gold, silver or platinum without a hallmark. Vestiaire Collective reserves the right to refuse unsigned jewellery on the platform and to remove any jewellery considered as unsigned listed under other brands.
- Items with fur or material from any protected, endangered or at-risk species such as:
- Coral
- Elephant leather
- Horn
- Ivory
- Leopard
- Lion
- Lynx
- Marmot
- Naturals pearls
- Ocelot
- Otter
- Panther
- Seal fur
- Shark
- Tiger
- Turtle
- Wolf
Items that do not conform with the conditions outlined 🔍 here.
The following items can be accepted if these relevant details are mentioned in the item's description
- Glasses with corrective lenses
- Items with modifications (eg: dyeing, an added element, a watch bracelet that isn’t the original). Watches with documented brand changes will be accepted.
- Repaired/dyed items
- Items from an outlet
- Items from private sales
If the following information is not indicated, then we will inform the buyer via the Quality Control report. If you choose to use direct shipping, please be aware that there is a possibility of returns, which may impact your seller statistics.
Find more information about receiving a Quality Control report 🔍 here.
Items accepted with shipping restrictions
In order to conform with local restrictions, certain materials and categories can only be sold and purchased by individuals based in specific countries or geographic areas:
- Hong Kong
- European Union
- United Kingdom
If the seller is located in any of the following countries/regions and is selling items that are prohibited, we will be unable to ship the item, even through Direct Shipping:
- Australia
- Canada
- Indonesia
- Israel
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Turkey
- Taiwan
- United Arab Emirates
- Switzerland
- Canary Islands
- Jersey
- Guernsey
We strictly abide by the import and export restrictions of the following
- Materials:
- Alligator
- Astrakhan
- Badger
- Beaver/nutria
- Chinchilla
- Coyote
- Crocodile
- Eel
- Egret, peacock feathers
- Fox
- Gazelle
- Jade
- Lizard
- Mink/zibeline
- Mongolian lamb
- Monitor lizard
- Mother of pearl
- Ostrich
- Python
- Rabbit
- Raccoon
- Squirrel
- Stingray
- Water snake
- Wood
- Kids
- Glasses: US buyers can only buy an item from the US