The basics on sales tax
Sales tax is charged by most states on items shipped into the state. In states where Vestiaire Collective has an obligation to collect sales tax, you'll see sales tax applied to your order, based on the shipping address that you've selected.
In some states, the sales tax applies to shipping charges as well as the items themselves.
How much is the sales tax?
Sales tax is calculated on the total of your order after reduction for any discount.
The amount of tax charged to your order depends on your delivery address.
The tax is calculated based on state rates and on the particular items you are purchasing. Some states apply different sales taxes to different types of items.
We'll always show you how much sales tax you'll be charged when you go to checkout.
The sales tax shown at checkout will be for your default address so this may change if you change your shipping address.
You can find out more info about sales tax by visiting your state website.
What about sales tax holidays?
We will conform to any sales tax holidays of which we are aware. If we know of a sales tax holiday that applies to the items being sent to your shipping address, the sales tax we collect will be reduced accordingly.
For more information on sales tax holidays, including qualifying items, you can visit your state or U.S. territories department of revenue (or equivalent) website.
Sales tax holidays may only apply to specific items, so tax may still be calculated on items if they do not qualify.
Why am I charged sales tax on secondhand items?
In most states, the obligation to collect sales tax applies to secondhand items as well as to new items.
What happens to the sales tax if I receive a refund?
If you receive a refund for your order, the sales tax that you paid will also be refunded back to your original payment method.
Income tax
Do I need to report my earnings on my U.S. income tax return?
You may be required to report your earnings on your U.S. income tax return. For 2024, sellers must report their distributed earnings on their taxes if they received over $600 in cash distribution.
Vestiaire Collective is not a tax advisor. We recommend that sellers work with a tax professional to learn about their tax responsibilities.